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The SQL Operator Library

sql-ops is a collection of SQL operators and building blocks for CPUs and GPUs. Currently it includes the operators:

  • Hash join (no-partitioning and radix-partitioned)
  • Radix partition
  • Prefix scan (exclusive)

Tuning parameters

Several tuning parameters are defined as constant values. These affect the performance and should be adjusted if necessary.

The tuning parameters are set in the build.rs file, which exports them to Rust, C++, and CUDA.

CPU cacheline size

CPU_CACHE_LINE_SIZE defines the number of bytes used for padding to prevent false sharing, and SWWC radix partitioning buffers. The size is specific to the CPU architecture and set to different values depending on the ISA:

  • aarch64: 64 bytes
  • x86_64: 64 bytes
  • powerpc64: 128 bytes

GPU cacheline size

GPU_CACHE_LINE_SIZE serves the same purpose as the CPU cacheline size, but is used in GPU code paths. The size is set to 128 bytes, which is the size used by many Nvidia GPUs (e.g., Pascal, Volta, Ampere).

Align bytes

ALIGN_BYTES defines the alignment of partitions in bytes. This parameter is intended to prevent cache conflict misses. It should be set to a multiple of the cacheline size.

Furthermore, cacheline alignment is necessary for:

  • non-temporal store instructions
  • vector load and store instructions
  • perfectly aligned coalesced loads and stores on GPUs

Padding bytes

PADDING_BYTES defines the padding size between partitions. Padding is necessary for partitioning algorithms to align writes. Aligned writes have fixed length and may overwrite the padding space in front of their partition. For this reason, also the first partition includes padding in front.

If no padding is used, aligned writes incur a race condition between threads. Given two partitions, a thread writing to the end of the first partition must write after a different thread writing to the beginning of the second partition, because the written locations may overlap due to aligning the second thread to PADDING_BYTES.

Number of banks

LOG2_NUM_BANKS defines the number of shared memory banks on GPUs. This parameter is used to avoid bank conflicts.

LA-SWWC tuples per thread

LASWWC_TUPLES_PER_THREAD defines the number of tuples processed at a time per thread. More tuples require more shared memory and more registers. Thus, the parameter should be tuned for each GPU architecture.

The Stehle and Jacobsen set the value to 3 for a Tesla P100 GPU in their work: A Memory Bandwidth-Efficient Hybrid Radix Sort on GPUs. We set the value to 5 for a Tesla V100 GPU.

Bucket chaining entries

RADIX_JOIN_BUCKET_CHAINING_ENTRIES defines the number of hash table entries used by the bucket chaining scheme of the radix join.

The value must be set to a power of two, and at least 1. No further constraints.

Library initialization

GPU operators are compiled as a CUDA fatbinary module. The module must be loaded into the current context before using the cuModuleLoad driver function before the operator can start executing. Module loading can take up to several hundred milliseconds.

To avoid load the module each time an operator is executed, the sql-ops library globally loads the module exactly once. The load is lazy and is performed when a GPU operator is executed for the first time. Thus, later executions of any GPU operator use the already-loaded module.

Important: The CUDA context must be initialized before calling the a GPU operator. Destroying this context will also destroy the module!

This is usually not a problem in applications that initialize the context once at the start of the program. However, in unit tests, a common pattern is to initialize a context for each test case. Instead, tests should create a singleton instance of the context that is only initialized once. See sql-ops/tests/test_gpu_radix_partition.rs as an example.


A collection of relational join operators.

A collection of partitioning operators.

A collection of prefix scan operators.
